Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm a whore!

I'm launching a campaign to enter every contest or call for entries that I possibly can. It's part of the grand scheme to become a real illustrator instead of someone who hides away and draws like some kind of hermit monk. Above is my entry for the Buy Art Providence button campaign- Every time you buy a handmade item from a particpating retailer in Providence during the holiday season, you get a cool button that says "I BUY ART". So every year Buy Art Providence picks five button designs to produce and distribute. This year I'd like to be one of the five!

Also, and update: That WFTDA t-shirt design didn't get picked. Oh, well! I will just have to produce and sell the shirt for personal gain now.


dwejikalbi said...

i should join you on this real illustrator campaign *sigh

Lauren said...

Cool! I heard about this but don't have time to make something custom. I hope you get it!

Alison Blackwell said...

Lauren, I don't think you have to make anything custom- I believe last year's five were swatches of existing work with "I BUY ART" superimposed on them. Send in something you've already made!